miércoles, 6 de noviembre de 2013

Scientists SAir Pollution Threatens Honeybeesay

Hello, my name is Angie Delgado, I´m a student of fifth level of English course, and this is my listening and speaking practice.  this is my fifth news.
I am going to talk about the news of a newspaper called voice of America. This history is about honeybees

Scientists SAir Pollution Threatens Honeybeesay 

this article is about the threats of the bees in the current environment, one study of researchers involved the pollution in the air (caused by the oil powered) with the bees health. according with the investigation the bees use the smell sense to pollinate and find the flowers and its smell sense is being affected by several parasítics and for the air contamination. In a near future this situation could cause critical consecuences for the human enviorement.

From my point of view the current contamination generated by the human civilation affects no only to bees, its also affects to several kind of animals, plants and insects. I consider that everyone has a responsability of reduce the pollution and of this way save the planet.

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