martes, 29 de octubre de 2013

All About Cats - The World's Favorite Pet

Hello, my name is Angie Delgado, I´m a student of fifth level of English course, and this is my listening and speaking practice. this is my  secod news
I am going to talk about the news of a newspaper called voice of America. This history is about cat´s characteristic.

 All About Cats - The World's Favorite Pet


 The present article was presented by a radio station. The program showed different opinions of people that has cats like pet, this publication involved some veterinaries, owners of cats, researchers, and an American newspaper agent. this people said different characteristic about cats, such as, if cats have a good nutrition, good health care, and a safe environment, they could live until 20 years, however, cats in the wild live only about seven years; the newspaper said, that cats are the more usual pet in the world, the people prefer cats than dogs; the cats have characteristics which let the owners know what they need, how they feel and what kind of food they like even where they want to sleep and other many things more. 


Personally I don’t like the pets, I consider that they require a lot of time and care, I think that the pets need the same attention that children, they are like a son. There are cats which scare me like black cats and others who inspire me tenderly. I think that the cats are beautiful animals, but I would not have a pet in my house. If someday i have a big house, and a lot of time maybe I will have a dog like a pet but not a cat.

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